Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Black Dog Buster

What's in the title? I named my bike 'My Black Dog 'Buster''. Why? Well, aside than being a good name for a dog, my BMW K1200R is my personal depression Buster.

Other than being an amazing piece of technology and a great ride, it provides me with an outlet I parallel to meditation. When riding I have to be focused and 'in the moment'. It's all very zen and for those that don't ride, imagine having your head in your own personal caccoon that lets in the sights, sounds and smells of the environment around you. Welcome distractions unlike the phone, blaring radio and recycled air you would get in a car. So without further ado, me and my Black Dog Buster:

Also note my cool new Black Dog Institute t-shirt! Credit to my son H for the photo. Thank you my friend.